Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Captain's Log: We're SO Back


Another month (kind of), another Captain's log. It's been a hot minute. Let's see if I remember how to do this. ;) 

If you're new here, Captain's Logs are just a recap of my most recent month. Since it's already almost mid-March, I'm just going to use this one for the most recent few weeks and hopefully next month, we will be back on track. Hopefully. Maybe. 

This year, I really want to work on getting a lot of my backlog played. I'm sure that many of you guys can understand the feeling of having so many games in your library and not enough time to play them. It seems that when I have the time, I have been catching up on being an adult or sleeping so I really want to prioritize my hobbies going forward and play some of the games I've been excited to. 

Of course, in the meantime, I've been playing Stardew Valley as usual. I currently have three farms - one with my sister, one for myself, and one with Jon. I've been spending the most time with my sisters on our shared farm and exploring the updates. I have to say, this game is something so dear to my heart so playing it brings me a cozy sense of peace to my day.

My goal this month is to put some hours into my Steam deck and my Switch and get at least one new game to talk about next month. ^.^

Surprisingly, I've been in a movie-heavy mood lately. Recently I watched Mary Shelley on Kanopy, which is a streaming service provided by the local library. It was fascinating as a lover of classic literature and famous women, there was still a ton I didn't know about her life and Elle Fanning did amazing as Mary Shelley. 

I also have been binging the Godzilla movies. For those who didn't know, I am a huge fan of monster movies and I've been watching the older movies from the 60's and 70's. Something about those movies is so comforting and fun to me and as a lover of all things Godzilla, I'd love to own the entire kaiju collection. This last month we watched Godzilla vs Kong and Godzilla x Kong as well as rewatched the original Godzilla and Godzilla Raids Again. 

Another fun fact is I love a good horror movie. I watched Longlegs and Late Night With the Devil. Longlegs was definitely interesting and gave me Silence of the Lambs vibes and Nicholas Cage was absolutely terrifying. However, Late Night With the Devil stole my heart as one of the best movies I've seen. I loved the style, the cinematography, the was creepy and cool and a total throwback to old school late night TV. 

Lastly, for short term watching, I've been rewatching SpongeBob because...who doesn't love SpongeBob. I still get nostalgic about this show as I think a lot of people in my generation do and it holds up surprisingly well. The episodes are hilarious and the voice cast is surprisingly rich. Jon and I have also been watching Harley Quinn and rewatching Batman the Animated Series. Kaley Cuoco is AMAZING as HQ and the whole show is so funny and makes me love her character even more. Of course, Batman TAS is great as ever. Something about older cartoons just hits different. The storytelling, the's a love letter to comics and the fans that love them.

As for books this year, I've been SLACKING on my reading. This year so far, I've read 9 books, which is a far cry from my usual by this time, but I have been itching to read more. Here's what I've read so far in March. 

 Most recently I read Cursed Bunny by Bora Chung, which was an anthology of short stories translated from Korean. The stories were weird and wild and beautifully written, I was OBSESSED. 4/5 stars.

 I also finished Middle of the Night by Riley Sager which was a thriller that I thoroughly enjoyed. Riley Sager writes books that are very easy to sink into with plot twists to keep you captivated. I think this was one of my favorites of his books, and gave it 4/5 stars. 

The other book I finished in March was my most anticipated release of the year, Eric LaRocca's At Dark, I become Loathsome. I have to say, the writing was beautiful as expected from his work but...I was a tad disappointed. It didn't have the oomph I expected and was only mildly disturbing in my opinion. I gave this book 3.5/5 stars. 

Although this last book I technically finished in February, it's my family book club pick for the last month so I wanted to talk about it. That book is Witchcraft for Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix. This book was graphic, sad, wild, beautiful, and at times, humorous. I sobbed, I laughed, and I have so many thoughts. Me and my sister were lucky enough to meet Grady at a book signing for this book and he was amazing and you could tell he put so much love into this book. This book is very graphic, specifically about pregnancy and childbirth, but it's raw, real, and so, so good. I gave this 5/5 stars. 

That's all for my month! I look forward to hearing all about your month and anything cool you have been up to. Here's hoping the rest of March is just as lovely!

Always, Raineedayze

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Finally 30


I turned 30!


Well, since we last chatted, I celebrated my 30th birthday with some of my closest friends and it was a true fiesta for the ages. My awesome fiancé booked an all female mariachi group, my friends and family flew from across the country, and my nephew so generously let us use his home for the party! It was insane and lovely and so much goodness.

The crazy thing is, literally the day after I turned 30, my whole body ACHED. And every day since. Is this what 30 is? PAIN? Either way, I'm very happy and blessed to be hitting this age with people I love and adore. 

The whole family and friends

tipsy selfie with my loves

Gift from my sister to go with my Shane plush

Also since then, Valentine's Day came around! This was my first year celebrating as an engaged woman, which feels so weird to say still, and instead of going all out, we decided to chill out after the crazy few weeks leading up to my birthday. (plus, gifts in this economy....yikes).

Jon and I celebrated by having some coffee courtesy of a gift card from my mom, eating our favorite takeout, and watching Valentine episodes of Bob's Burgers together with Leo. But I did still have to dress for the occasion.

Anyway, I hope you all are doing well and I will see you at the next post. :) 

Love always, 


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Back to MY Bubble


Hi friends.

With the state of the world the way it is, I really have been dealing with this inner turmoil. Social media has been so great in connecting us with friends and family alike, creating bonds across cities, countries, and more. And I am forever grateful for that.

However, I can't just sit idly by and pretend everything is fine. My existence is political. Reading, music,'s political. 

So, I'm off. I'm off Facebook and Twitter and Threads and TikTok and Instagram. As of right now, my instagram is still available for resources but I've deleted the app. 

It's not much. In the grand scheme of things, it's the least I can do. But I refuse to sit on a website for "fun" that is owned by people who willingly take our country by money. Who stand beside those who do nazi salutes. Who see and invoke hatred, injustice, and ignorancs.

I can't. 

So I'm here. And I'll be sharing my life here instead. 

🧡 Love always,


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

LOL Hiatus?



It's been a while huh?

Well, the last post was in June of 2020 and we are in 2022. So yeah.

Let's chat.

So I started a new job, went through a crazy bout of depression and anxiety, celebrated a new year with my boyfriend and cat and honestly, I missed blogging. And maybe it's the new year, new me talking but I really missed just chatting and making posts about my life and then having it to go back on. So here are some photos of my love and life since then.

Maybe I'll talk more about life when I'm not living in the midst of it. But til then, I'll act like this is normal


Leo my son

holiday vibes

after my night routine

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Room Decoration: WIP

Currently redoing our game room and trying to display all my stuff and get rid of old unused stuff. I picked up these shelves from Amazon and they are super aesthetic and easy to put together. Here's one corner of the game room on my side.

I think it came out hella cute and fits my whole vibe. Here's my side so far. Ignore the books, I just need a place to put them and am running out of room >.<

I think eventually I'll paint the file cabinet baby pink or just cover it with stickers or prints to make it not so dingy looking. Right now the clutter is minimal which is so much better than it was but once I move the books and the green box of trinkets, I will be so much happier. :)

Also, big news coming soon! So be on the lookout!

Always, Raineedayze

Thursday, June 18, 2020

5 AM Thoughts

Currently it's 5 AM and I'm having the hardest time falling asleep.

Why? No reason in particular.

So I booted up Haikyu!! on Netflix (of which I am OBSESSED) and decided to get to sorting out my thoughts the new fashioned way. On the internet, in front of strangers.

I feel like I have so many things I want to do, movies to watch, games to play, house to clean. And yet I never have enough time. I work 8 hours a day, and sleep 8 ish hours. So theoretically, I have 8 hours to screw around and get shit done.

Yet, I spend so much of my free time wondering what to do. Which wastes hours of me sitting in bed, dreading responsibilities and waiting for motivation to hit.

So that's something I want to work on this week. Just doing, not thinking, not dreading. Just doing.

So that's my thoughts for today.

Leo is currently pulling at my glasses so I think that's my cue to end this blog post.

Thanks for listening.

Always, Raineedayze

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Things I Want to do Post Quarantine

  1. Go to Target and buy useless items
  2. See a movie at the Drafthouse
  3. Get drunk at a bar
  4. Eat at a sushi restaurant
  5. Go to Half Price Bookstore
  6. Spend a day at the library
  7. Picnic in the park
  8. Head to the mall
  9. Grocery shop for longer than an hour
Literally just be outside my house without fear.

Always, Raineedayze