I've never been one for TBR lists, but since I started using my planner again, I've been a huge fan of creating them. It's been helping me organize my books that I have on my shelves left unread, and also solving my constant dilemma of never knowing what to check out from the library.
My TBR is more of a goal list, as I tend to stray from it quite a bit, but here's the rough TBR for the month of June.
1. Ship It by Britta Lundin
I just started this book and I'm loving it so far. This book is told in a dual perspective, following ultimate fangirl Claire and Forest, the actor in Claire's favorite show. The show in question gives me hardcore Supernatural vibes, especially as Claire is a slash-fic writer, and I am a huge Destiel fangirl. Overall, I'm super excited to read more of it this month.
Oh and can we talk about this GORGEOUS cover?!?!
2. Legendary by Stephanie Garber
This is the sequel to Caraval, which is one of my absolute favorite reads. Caraval ended on a huge cliffhanger, so I've been dying to find out what comes next for the characters. This book came out at the end of May, but I'm waiting for a library copy, so hopefully I can get it soon!
3. Save the Date by Morgan Matson
I am a huge Morgan Matson fan and I've been waiting for what feels like FOREVER for her new book. I pre-ordered this book with the special edition notebook and stickers and I am so stoked to finally get it! This book comes out June 5th, so it will probably be one of the first reads of the month.
4. Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett

5. Neverworld Wake by Marisha Pessl
I actually just heard about this book on booktube and it sounds super incredible. This book involves a mysterious death and the main character hunting for answers. That's all I know about it, but it sounds super spooky and amazing.
What books are you reading this month? Let's chat about it!
Always, Raineedayze
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