Sunday, August 19, 2018

Life Update (Where I have Been)

Hey there!

If you follow me on social media (or read this blog) you probably noticed things have been pretty quiet on my end lately. So I wanted to update everyone on my life situation and what's been happening lately!

First things first, I got a job! I currently am working full-time, captioning phone calls for the deaf and hard-of hearing. I am actually having a pretty great time (plus money is never a bad thing) and my job is pretty relaxed, so I do have a little bit of downtime to just read or watch TV at work!

However, right now I'm working the night shift, which has been really screwing with my sleep cycle. So lately all I have done is work and sleep for about 12 hours until I wake up, just to go to work again. As you can imagine, this has led to a LOT of stress and anything that is not work has been pushed waaay to the bottom of priorities.

I'm attempting to find a balance between work and everything else, because I have so many things I have to do (laundry, dishes, remind Jonathan that I love him, etc.) and I have so many things I want to do that are getting buried underneath sleep and burnout. So if updates are a little stilted for a little bit, I'm really sorry! I'm really trying to work everything in and get things done but slowly it's all coming together. Both my computers have been having some hardware issues and last week, my main computer completely crashed and I lost pretty much everything. Luckily I had most of my stuff backed up, but it's been taking a while to reinstall everything I lost. So, everything is kind of trying to fight me at the moment. But we are getting there! (eventually)

Other than work, I've spent the last few days participating in IGGPPCamp, reading some really interesting books, and watching To All The Boys I've Loved Before (OMG COVINSKY). Me and Becca are planning on doing a rewatch on Friday so we can scream and fangirl together and I am super stoked to do that! Also, I plan to have my review of the movie up pretty soon so stay tuned for that!

Jonathan and I have been attempting to go out on our days off and go watch movies because sometimes, you just need to get out of the house. We went to a Space Jam and cereal party last weekend which was as amazing as it sounds!

Also, if you notice a little bit of changes on the site, we just got approved for AdSense so I'm really happy that the little blog is growing a bit. 

Thanks for sticking with me guys, and I hope you have had a great last couple of months! More to come soon!! I promise :D

Always, Raineedayze

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