Monday, July 10, 2017

Captain's Log 12: June Wrap-Up

June was such a fabulous month for me. Not only did I have a blast on vacation with my family, I had so much fun getting out of the house and enjoying myself this month. 

So let's recap!

I managed to read 5 books this month!

Butter by Erin Jade Lange, The Thousandth Floor by Katherine McGee, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, Everything, everything by Nicola Yoon, and Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

I thoroughly enjoyed all these books this month and am now at 26/ 35 books for my Goodreads goal (since I've read a few since July began).

Movies: Resident Evil: Vendetta, Baywatch, It Comes at Night

I didn't really watch anything super note-worthy this month for television. As for the movies, I enjoyed two of them but HATED It Comes at Night. It was so awful!

Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo 2DS)

I pretty much had 0 time to play anything this month but I did manage to check on my town! I see July as having more freedom to game and with the Steam Summer Sale, I'm so excited to try out all the games I bought!


1. Blog Consistently 
     So, aside from my vacation, I feel pretty good about the amount of time and blog posts I was able to put up here. I also participated in a blog tour, which was super exciting since this was one of the first times I was able to connect with other bloggers and networks on a larger scale! I would call this one a WIN.

2. Draw Something
     I had good intentions. I bout a sketchbook and new pencils. And yet, I still didn't put my pencil to paper this month. I don't know if it's my sheer laziness or maybe I'm psyching myself out. But I definitely did not complete this goal.

3. Fix my hair
     Amazingly, I managed to do way better with this goal than I thought I would! I honestly completely forgot about this goal as soon as I set it, but my sweet boyfriend Jonathan built me a vanity a few weeks ago and that motivated me to put a little more effort into my hair and makeup routine. As I am currently writing this with a ratty ponytail, it did take me a little bit to adjust and I still have those days where it takes me just enough effort to get out of bed and look decent enough to go outside (yay mental illness), but I feel so much better about where I am now with this goal. I will go ahead and say I am on the right track.

4. Read at least 3 Books
     I managed to read 5 books this month, which along with the books I finished in July, puts me at 26 for this year. Woohoo!!!

5. Watch some TV
     Yeah, I still totally sucked at this goal. 
Overall, my month of June was full of fun and I managed to do more than just sleep all day, which I call a success! Here's to an awesome July!

Always, Raineedayze

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