Monday, May 15, 2017

Date Weekend and Graduation

This weekend was pretty fabulous!

Friday after work, Jonathan and I headed to WingDaddy's for some much-needed margaritas and quality time. We each got a Bomb-Pop Rita to start off with and it was so cool! I love Bomb-Pops, especially in the summer, so this was the perfect treat to end the semester on!

I ended up also getting a Marco Polo margarita which tasted exactly like a Sour Patch Kid. The candies were also swimming around in the (extremely large) glass!

We then headed off to Target to kill time before our movie (Lego Batman), and I ended up going a little.......crazy. 

Jonathan must love me a lot!

After, shopping around, we both were a little tired so we ended up heading home instead of the theater, where we watched Mulan and had a couples spa night in. Yeah, we are one of those couples.

Saturday, Jonathan had to work so I spent time blogging, cleaning, reading, and generally having a relaxing day at home. I could not wait to start on the huge pile of books I had waiting for me! I ended up finishing This is Where it Ends and should have my review up pretty soon!

Marta and I at dinner
Kathy and I

Becca about to cross

Sunday, I went downtown to see two of my best friends, Becca and Marta, graduate with their Bachelor's Degrees in Psychology!! I'm so proud of them. Sadly, Karina and Jonathan had to work, so they had to miss the festivities, but we are all hoping to have a get-together very soon!

All in all, I had a fantastic weekend with some fabulous people. It's weekends like this that help me get through the week.

Always, Raineedayze

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